Friday, November 13, 2015

Penny Battery


Q: what is a penny battery?
Penny battery is a voltaic pile which uses various coinage as the metal disks of a traditional voltaic pile. The coins are stacked with pieces of electrolyte soaked paper in between.

Q: what do you need to make a penny battery?
  1. Pennies (more than 10)
  2. Zinc (more than 10)
  3. Cardboard or pasteboard
  4. Leds
  5. Switch
  6. vinegar or salt/water
  7. wires
  8. sand paper
  9. electrical  tape

Q: How do you start off?
A; First draw a diagram how the penny battery going to look like.

Q: I already got my stuff, what next?

  • Step one: Cut all the cardboard the size of the penny. We don't any of cardboard to touch anything else because then it will not work
  • Step two: Soak in the cardboard pieces inside a bowl of vinegar,
  • Step three: Now we stacking the battery. You start off with copper, then cardboard, and finally zinc. Keep doing it until you stop with zinc on the top. The copper is an positive charge and the zinc is an negative charge.
  • Step five: Add wires for on the top and bottom for ease of use. Then some electrical tape  to hold it together.
  • Step six: Get the led. The long lead of the led is the positive and connect that to the positive wire. Do the same with the negative. PS: NEGATIVE WIRE IS ZINC PART AND THE POSITIVE AREA IS THE COPPER SIDE.

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